Submit a Conflict of Interest in Research Disclosure

When submitting a disclosure, make sure you open the Certification Panel certify and press "Submit".

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Annual COI disclosure submissions are required from all investigators engaged in UNM research at Main and Branch campuses. 

  • The annual call for 2023-2024 disclosures will likely occur early-mid September 2023. The annual disclosure is operational at this time, however, there are some updates being made to the disclosure. 
  • Investigators required to disclose are individuals (including faculty, staff and students) responsible for a task that could have a significant effect on the design, conduct or reporting of UNM research, even if the individual does not have sole or primary responsibility for the task or the research.
  • A non-UNM investigator is any person employed by an entity other than UNM, working pursuant to a sub-award agreement with UNM, an independent contractor or collaborator, or otherwise not employed by UNM who could have a significant effect on the design, conduct or reporting of UNM research or the research performed under a sub-award issued by UNM.

Streamlyne Resources for Conflict of Interest

FAQ for Streamlyne

  1. I saved my disclosure. Why isn’t it submitted? 
    1. You need to open the Certification panel, certify and submit.
  2. I am sure that I submitted my disclosure. Why isn’t anything happening?
    1. Check your Action list. Is the disclosure there indicating it needs to be completed (a purple oval saying COM next to it)?  Click on the blue letter and complete your disclosure.
    2. You can also look up all your disclosures by going to Main Menu>Conflict of Interest>My Disclosures
  3. How do I know if my disclosure was completed correctly.
    1. You should receive an email from Streamlyne saying it has been certified.
    2. You can also check the status of all your disclosures at Main Menu>Conflict of Interest>All My Disclosures
  4. What is an Outside Entity?
    1. An outside entity is an interest outside UNM that might cause or have the appearance of causing, a conflict of interest with your UNM research.
    2. Examples include, but are not limited to, ownership interests in a company, stocks or options exceeding $5000, outside employment, board service (compensated or voluntary), outside appointments (compensated or not) related to your UNM work, consulting fees.
    3. Some outside entities apply also to your spouse/domestic partner if they could affect or appear to affect, your research decisions.
    4. It is better to err on the side of disclosure than not.
    5. If you have questions, please ask.
  5. What family collaborations must I report.
    1. Any collaboration with a spouse/domestic partner or dependent child must be reported.
  6. In what order should I do my 2022-2023 disclosures?
    1. If you have any outside interests or family collaborations, complete an Outside Entity/ Family Collaborations document first, then do your Annual with your legacy data, then complete any project disclosures in your queue. In subsequent years, the Annual will be populated with your project disclosures.
    2. If you do not have any outside interests to report, Then do your annual first, then any subsequent project disclosures not included in the annual.
  7. What if I did my 2022-2023 disclosures out of order?
    1. You are going to have to do a project disclosure for each of your legacy projects. Call us for help.
  8. I am an outside user. How do I get a Streamlyne account?
    1. Please contact us with your name, email address, and institution/other information.
  9. I am totally lost what should I do?
    1. We have information to help you at:
    2. Call 505-277-1045 if the written resources don’t help.